Quick Fixes For

5 Bad Shopping Habits

#1 The Fast Fashionista

Do you find yourself drawn to the cheap prices and trendy styles of fast fashion stores like H&M and Zara? If so you might be a Fast Fashion Victim.

Quick Fix: Skip It, thrift instead. Fast fashion is designed to last 3 wash cycles, and be stylistically obsolete in a couple of weeks. What seems like a good price at first, is anything but when you consider you only wear it a couple of times, not to mention the impact on the environment. Thirfting is a good way to satisfy a fleeting trend craving, or test out a new style.

#2 The Sale Sucker

Do you find yourself always searching for the best deal, only to have your bargains gather dust in the back of your closet? Or you wind up kicking yourself for missing out on a piece that sold out before it went on sale? Then you might be a Sale Sucker.

Quick Fix: If it's already on sale, ask yourself if you like it enough to pay full price, if so, go for it. If it's not on sale, ask yourself if it's really worth your time to check in continuously and wait for the sale while risking missing out on something you love.

#3 The People Pleaser

Do you find yourself buying things you don't wear because a pushy salesperson, or friend told you should? If so, you may be a People Pleaser.

Quick Fix: Try Shopping alone, buy what you love, and what you'll actually wear.

#4 The Retail Therapy Shopper

Do you find yourself shopping to make yourself feel better after a bad day, or to celebrate a good day? Do you wind up with a bunch of clothes that fit your fleeting mood but not your personal style? Then you may be a retail therapy shopper.

Quick Fix: Save the shopping for days when you really feel like shopping, or you are in need of something new. Shopping while sad is like grocery shopping while hungry, you might wind up with what you want in the moment, but not what your body (or your closet) really needs.

#5 The Anxious Online Shopper

Do you often feel paralyzed by all the options out there and lack of ability to touch and try on first? Do you have a hard time trying out new brands and styles? If so, you may be an anxious shopper.

Quick Fix: Anxious shoppers tend to be really into the idea of ethical/ sustainable apparel, but have a hard time taking the plunge, because they haven’t built trust with sustainable brands yet. Try buying several pieces with the expectation you will return what doesn't work. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions. Small eco shops are always happy to help give fit or style tips. We understand it's hard for lots of people to make the switch to online shopping, and that ethically made, sustainable clothing is not available locally for most people, so ask away.