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Our mission is to showcase clothing that finds the sweet spot between impeccable design, ethical production and ecological preservation.

The fashion industry has the potential to enrich communities through fair wage jobs and preservation of craft, to divert waste from landfills by upcycling and recycling, and to minimize ecological degradation by choosing cleaner farming and processing methods.

It does not.

Today the fashion industry is one of the largest emitters of fossil fuels and polluters of clean water. With clothing designed to last three wash cycles, trends to last two weeks, and all at unimaginably low prices, fast fashion has created a race to the bottom. The low prices necessitate cost cutting measures that come at the expense of fair wages, safe working conditions and healthy ecosystems.

There is a better way.

From organic cotton denim, to bathing suits from recycled fishing nets, to pants from recycled ocean trash, new advances in recycling and farming continue to make ecological alternatives more affordable and available. We believe in a future with an infinite textile loop, where all clothing is repaired, upcycled, recycled, or composted. Where raw materials are grown with the health of the farmer and ecosystem in mind. Where textiles are created in closed loop factories that are run on renewable energy, and recycle all water and chemicals. Where sewers and crafts people are treated fairly. Where shipping is powered by renewable energy. Where consumers, growers and makers are free from exposure to toxic chemicals in clothing. We are not there yet, but are close on many fronts.

We will continue to stay on top of the latest in sustainability, so you can shop with peace of mind. You don’t have to sacrifice style to be kind to the planet. You don’t have to sacrifice the planet for your style.